Loyal we’ll ever be Climbing Hill High School
We’ll praise and honor thee:
Alma Mater dear, rah rah rah
May glory and praise be yours where ever you may go
We’ll love you, yes we’ll cheer you C-Hill High
Rah Rah Rah
1937 First Carnival
1954 Girls were banned from wearing jeans.
1945 First refrigerator was installed.
1948 Second refrigerator was bought. Kindergarten and First grade were dismissed to watch the first refrigerator installed.
1940 Hot lunches consisting of one dish were started with each child bringing his own dish and taking it home each night to wash.
???? We hear the janitor even helped the students to hide the geometry teacher’s guide. Shame on George Rosenberg – what things they did back in 1919.
Smarty Ruth Goodrich Spangler Lyle graduated from High School with only 3 yrs. and taking 12th grade first. How about that!
1946 Don McClaran started driving the school bus.
1947 Who put the Model T Ford on the teeter-totter and balanced it perfectly?
???? Remember the “Hillbilly Breeze” school paper?
1945 Largest class to graduate with 20 in number.
1945 First band uniforms were worn.
1957 Girls and boys are not to eat lunch together. Bad influence on the young grades at school.
1940 Vera Spangler was the first of a second generation to graduate.
Note: Records show many served their country in the armed forces, but only four were killed in action.
1955 Monte Brinker and Phylis Lohse were the first Mr. and Miss C-Hill to be crowned.
1948 Who ever heard of a Home Ec. Class being so mean to a coach to put EXLAX in some cookies – and of all times, he was going to ride his motorcycle to Fort Dodge that night. Standard stations were busy that night?
1954 Everyone got to watch the inaugural address on Pete Krueger’s TV.
1931 Basketball was moved to the larger room over the Mill’s Store, now known as Don’s Grocery. Wasn’t it heaven from that cracker box we had? Even when you hit the ceiling and pipes you were out of bounds.
1955 Gloria Cassen Hink was given a dollar for helping change the name of the school paper. It was called the “Zepher”
Shocking: Someone rolled their long black stockings below the knee before going out on the floor to play basketball. Hear you didn’t have any team mates until you rolled them back. How immodest can you get?
1953-54 Soil Conservation Studies started for 7th and 8th grades under the supervision of Leo Ronfeldt.
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